Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer Recap

I have always believed I don't have enough interesting news to maintain a blog, so I will start this off by disclaiming the kind of ego and/or social mission that usually induces such a creation.  However, my mom suggested that I keep a journal of all my travels (for law firm callbacks) for my own remembrance of this hectic time.  Since I have the world's worst handwriting, I'm putting it here, where I can add pictures as well.  Thus, I'm apologizing to anyone who has found this as a mistake, but feel free to peruse.

Before I get into my actual callbacks, I want to summarize my hectic summer.  With a job in Alexandria, and friends spread out far and wide, I ended up traveling quite a bit.  Amtrak's Northeast Regional train and I got pretty friendly over the course of the summer (hence the blog title, I'm a very good customer of frequent miles programs).

I finished my first year of law school on May 12, packed up my life on May 13, attended the end of year party then hit the road. A family friend was getting married that night and my cousin graduated the next day! After that I headed up to Alexandria to move in. My weekends after that went as follows: Charlottesville, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Alexandria, Charlottesville, Philadelphia, Myrtle Beach (including part of the week), Philadelphia, Allentown, New York, Asheville, Alexandria, Asheville (for the week), Chapel Hill/Raleigh. Ok, so maybe I didn't go far and wide as much as I went to Philly. Some quick recaps:

First weekend:
Last Day of Class Celebration with some of my 1L section

My cousin's graduation

My best friend from HS's graduation
Watching UVA Lax win the Ntl Championship

Philly weekends:
 Liberty Bell
 Penn's Landing
Eastern State Penitentiary
Mount Vernon
Myrtle Beach (Litchfield):
Fourth of July with the Fam
Fun and Games with the Galla family
The Grand-Prize Winner
New York City:
On the way back from Queens
 MV turns 8
 Cayden comes to visit
Silly fam
5K pics won't load!

And then began the crazy time that is Job Search 2k11!!

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